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Sandy Lane Primary School


There is a strong link between attendance to school and good progress and attainment. Children who attend school and attend on time are happier and progress in their learning.

We want all our children to have the opportunity to achieve their potential and to access the excellent learning opportunities and exciting provision (curriculum and fun activities) that we  provide. We wish for children to be happy and to develop strong friendships.

Many of our families have good attendance and attend on time - however, we do have some families who sadly do not  see this as a priority. We regularly analyse data and target those families who have poor attendance and/ or issues with punctuality. This includes persistent late collection from school

  • We do not authorise any holidays in term time. 
  • Please send your child to school even with colds, coughs (that are not persistent) and sniffles- we all attend work and school with these minor ailments. Please only keep your child away school if they are very unwell.   
  • We are now ‘zero tolerance’ on unauthorised term time absence. We are now obliged to issue Penalty Notices to all families who meet the guidance for these. 

We work closely with the Educational Welfare Service (EWS) and our Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) to focus on strategies for raising attendance. Families who have poor attendance will be referred to the EWS after being encouraged to engage with school support systems and multi-agencies.


EYFS and KS1 go straight into class when the doors open at 8:40 am, Year 3 & 4 line up at 8:40 am and Year 5 & 6 enter the school via the KS2 hall doors, which open at 8:40 am. All children need to be in class by 8:55 am. Registration is then taken.  If your child arrives after 8:55 am, they must report to the School Office - where they will receive a late attendance mark.  Our registers close at 9:10 am. Therefore, children arriving after this time will be marked as absent.

Here is a link to Bracknell Forest Council’s website page on school attendance - please click here

Bracknell Forest Council leaflet on Fixed Penalty Notices for unauthorised absence:


Here is guidance by Bracknell Forest Council on School Attendance: Currently being updated, - DfE guidance:

DfE advice on school attendance updated October 2014