Dangerous parking & driving
We have been advised by Bracknell Forest Council to communicate the following to you:
We are writing to you with regards to parking during school drop off and pick up times. Multiple complaints are received from residents and parents with regard to illegal, inconsiderate, and dangerous parking and driving by the parents of pupils who attend your school.
Our Enforcement Team are responsible for enforcing all schools in the borough as well as their normal enforcement duties and will aim to visit all schools as often as possible. Therefore, we ask respectfully that parents and carers park legally and safely during school drop off and pick up times.
There have been incidents of near misses reported to us through dangerous driving and parking around Sandy Lane Primary School. If this type of parking and driving continues the likelihood of an incident where a person is hit will increase. This also applies to those walking through Wick Hill car park, where there have been a number of near misses when adult pedestrians do not pay attention to their surroundings.
Please ensure that you abide by the parking restrictions in the area and of the importance of driving and parking safely.
For the safety of all – please abide by these recommendations.
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