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Sandy Lane Primary School

Year 1

Home Learning – Tuesday 24th January

The below is also available on this document here

Timetable for the day:


The phonics scheme we teach at Sandy Lane is Unlocking Letters & Sounds. This is taught for 30 minutes every day.

This is the average structure of our phonics lessons that you could do at home today:

  • Recap all sounds/common exception words
  • Blending (reading) using blending arm read 3-4 words.
  • Segment (write) 3-4 words.
  • Write a sentence.
  • Recap focus sounds/common exception words of the day.

Below are the focus sounds/common exception words linked to your child’s phonics group:

Miss Young

Mrs Woods

Miss Eastwood

Mrs Ranft

Focus sounds:



Focus CEW:




Words to blend:

·       pig

·       gas

·       got


Words to segment:

·       gap

·       dig


Write a sentence:

·       Pack a sack.

Focus sounds:



Focus CEW:




Words to blend:

·       pain

·       rain

·       tail


Words to segment:

·       sail

·       chain

·       rain


Write a question?

·       Will the rain be a pain?

Focus sounds:



Focus CEW:




Words to blend:

·       when

·       whack

·       wheel


Words to segment:

·       whip

·       which


Write a sentence:

·       We whirled and twirled to their song.

Focus sounds:






Focus CEW:


Words to blend:

·       flame

·       explode

·       globe


Words to segment:

·       poke

·       prize

·       swede


Write a sentence:

·       Pete picked up five bones with the spade.


In English we are looking at Traditional Tales.

Ideas for activities at home:

  • Write a character description focus on adjectives.
  • Write a recount of a traditional tale e.g. Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs.
  • Write a recount of a traditional tale but change parts of the narrative e.g. The Three Sharks and the Big Bad Whale.


In Maths we are looking at Place Value (within 20) and are beginning to look at Addition and Subtraction (within 20). Please feel free to complete as many worksheets linked to the current/previous learning.


  • Use the upper/lower case handwriting sheets to focus on pencil control and letter formation.
  • Use the number formation sheets to focus on number formation making sure the numbers are the correct way.


This term we are looking at Materials. Can you go on a hunt around your house and find objects that are made from different materials? See attached worksheets for a list of materials to look for in your home.


Joe Wicks – Have a go at a workout with Joe Wicks or complete a few movement breaks.

5 Minute Move | Workouts for Kids | The Body Coach TV - YouTube

8 Minute Kids Workout With Spiderman | The Body Coach TV - YouTube

Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Superheroes Unite (Dance-A-Long) - YouTube


Remind your child to use their Pyramid Powers throughout the day or you could also use these videos for a mindfulness session at home.

Bubble Bounce! Mindfulness for Children (Mindful Looking) - YouTube

Rainbow Relaxation: Mindfulness for Children - YouTube

The Body Scanner! Mindfulness for Children - YouTube

Don’t forget you can use these learning platforms at home that your children already have access too:

  • Sumdog
  • Numbots

Year 1 Team