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Sandy Lane Primary School


Dear parents

As you will now know, school will be closed at the very least for the morning, so I've planned some home learning for your child to do. This is enough home learning for the whole day, just in case! 

Please support your child with completing online learning using Sumdog and Bug club. I have set home learning on Sumdog and allocated books and games on Bug club. Please note, if your child has not yet logged into Sumdog this school year, then they will first be directed to a 'baseline' where they will be given a large range of questions, some appearing too easy or too hard for your child. Once this has been completed, they will be able to access the home learning and have games and questions geared towards their ability and what they need to work on. 

Your child's online learning logins were sent home at the start of the school year, but if you have lost or forgotten them, please do email me at and I will send them to you. 

Your child is of course also welcome to use any of their other online logins too. 

In addition, please help your child to research Chinese New Year (also known as Lunar New Year) and produce a poster with their findings. There is a fantastic 'kid safe' search engine called Kiddle ( that allows your child to safely search the internet. Children may create their poster however they wish (eg. on a computer, using paper and pens, or even paint!) and can include text, pictures or both. Ideally posters should include writing or drawings to show the different animals, which animal 2023 is, and what people traditionally do to celebrate. Any other information would be a bonus! 

Any posters created on a computer can be emailed to me, otherwise I look forward to children bringing in their completed posters on their return to school. 

If your child had whizzed through these things or is wanting more to do, they can practise their drawing skills by following this youtube video to draw a dragon, to go with our current topic of Castles, Knights and Dragons!

If they would prefer not to draw, then they could continue to improve their internet research skills and research dragons instead! I wonder what they might find out? 

Lastly, if possible, please encourage your child to spend some time playing games to practise turn taking. This is something that many children find challenging, we talk a lot in Foxes about being a 'good sport' and learning how to both win and lose gracefully. The more time spent practising these skills, the better!

Many thanks for your understanding and support

Miss Allen

Foxes Class Teacher